Trumpet vine on the left of the arbor swing, and sweet peas on the right. they havent bloomed yet
Butterfly bush
Cucumbers in the back, growing up the trellis. Pumpkins in the front
The chives. I think they are soon ready for cutting
This gourd is at the top of the arbor
a gourd, see it in the back?
there's a jack-be-little gourd
the arbor is filling up with gourds
the planters on my deck
here is the Mother of Thousands plant.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Nina working on the walls of her hideout in the sand.
These are pretty yellow flowers on the sand dunes on the walk to the beach.
After a hard day of playing, going to bed with all her buddies.
Then she has to pick her prizes from the tickets she won. She is holding the ladybug she won earlier at the balloon darts game. The ladybug's name is Sparkly ladybug, she is all sparkly! :)
Kristina playing at the arcade, winning lots of tickets! :)
Kristina played balloon darts and won the cutest ladybug! :)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Daddy couldnt get it up. LOL
Kristina is brave in the waves!
Kristina is burying herself
The Brigantine Beach Life boats
Digging a hole in the sand
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Kristina had a free flower shop. She made a sign and anyone who wanted a flower could have one for free :)
This one looks funny. :)
in Kristina's sandbox
The bunnies in the yard. Coming in for supper
Kristina did alot of work in making the garden. thats the soil that she moved over to the garden :)
some pictures I took from Anders blog. they need to be on Kristina's blog page too!! :)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A white dogwood. planted last year. It didnt have any blossoms yet this year.
Honeysuckle. bought a couple weeks ago. Starting to climb and twine on the fence.
The trumpet vine, next to the arbor swing.
the side of the house. a holly in the back. daisies in the front, and roses behind the middle daisy. the roses are just starting to bloom.
Rhododendrun in the front yard.
The planter on a shepherd's hook by the front door.
Flower planter on the arbor in our garden.
A planter i made today on the arbor in our garden.
Wegelia by the cherry tree in full bloom.
Filled the flower box on the shed today. the snow globe spirea in the back left.
the last of the wegelia's, next to the patio.
Wegelia in the back yard by the weeping cherry tree.
The snow globe spirea today, in full bloom.
Wegelia in the front yard.
this is my snow globe spirea. picture taken about a week ago.